- If you ever encounter a tornado that appears to be growing larger but remains in the same location, seek shelter immediately. This can indicate that the tornado is moving towards you. Don’t underestimate a tornado’s power; even if it appears to seem small, it can wreak havoc in an instant. Your safest bet is to head to your basement or the lowest level of your home for protection.
- If you are ever choking and have no one around you to perform CPR on you, start by dialing 911 even if you can’t verbally speak, leave the line open just in case. Try to cough out the object. If coughing doesn’t work, perform the Heimlich maneuver: make a fist and place it above your belly button. Wrap your other hand around your fist and press into your abdomen with quick upward thrust. You can use a sturdy object like a chair or table to stabilize and apply force on yourself if needed.
- If someone knows you are in a situation where a lion is near you growling, the first person to become extinct is to run. However, the growl is to warn you that you are too close, and instead of running, you should slowly walk away while keeping the lion in your line of sight. If you run, it can encourage the lion to start chasing you. This goes the same for bears.
- Take care of things that can save you. For example, check in on your smoke detectors AT LEAST once a year, those things can save you from a fire. Similarly, ensure your fire extinguisher works correctly and keep it in an accessible place you can reach. Keep one in your car, you never know, it can save your life. In addition, do not drop or damage your helmet; it can lessen its resistance. Overall, don’t neglect what can save you.
- If you have or know someone with the “Children on board” sticker on the car, consider removing it. This sticker can make your vehicle a target for potential kidnappers, as it signals to kidnappers that there are children inside. It’s better to prioritize your safety over any unwanted attention.
Did you know?
A human can survive without water for about three days; stay hydrated!!!